Wednesday, April 14, 2004


Western wind, when will thou blow?
The small rain down can rain.
Christ, that my love were in my arms,
And I in my bed again.

Exasperated is how I felt when I found out today S had not filled out the financial aid application I had been reminding him about all week and had not followed up on information that his application for financial aid to his two top picks for schools was held up for some reason and he did not even tell me about it or try to fix the problem.

He had karate tonight and I had Youth Group. The kids had a lot of fun tonight. I am always amazed at how many adults start to do Youth Group and drop out half way through the year. N and her husband have been great, they have taken up the slack from others who were supposed to be in charge this year. But they are moving to Virginia next month.

I walked down to the cove in the dark and the fog. The river is filled with water, the surf is loud and the spring peepers have come back to life.

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