Tuesday, April 06, 2004


“Look where you cut me, you villain,”says she, and she held out her arm to him-and, my dear, he thought the sight id lave his eyes.

The news has just been released that 7 American soldiers have been killed trying to restore order in Baghdad. Al-Sadr’s call for violent uprising is the most troublesome development to date for the occupation authorities. The Bush administration is trying to say that his is a small radical faction, but in fact he has significant popular support especially in the Shiite ghetto of Baghdad. If we lose the Shiite cooperation there will be no containing the country.

There is an inclination that is as old as human history for conquering armies, upon meeting resistance, to raze the cities and lay waste to the land, killing every human soul. We Americans have that inclination as much as the Romans did but it is held in check by the self-delusional charade we play that we are the good guys. If we are going to be conquerors, bring it out in the open. If not, bring our troops home. Unless we want to bleed our country to death there are no other options.

Baghdad Burning

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